Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Friday the Thirteenth Proves Lucky for Aligned Assets

Paraskavedekatriaphobia, as the fear of Friday the Thirteenth is known, appears to afflict no one at gazetteer specialists Aligned Assets as they achieved the remarkable feat of three software releases on the same day.

Always striving to provide the most up to date software that reflects both legislative changes and the needs of their customers, they have released new versions of the Symphony Suite gazetteer management system iManage, data matching module iMatch and data transfer module iExchange.

The main focus within the iManage v3.4 release is increased speed and efficiency, greater levels of automation and extended functionality to the Street Naming and Numbering module.

iMatch v5.2.2 builds upon the module’s position as the industry’s number one data matching tool with several improvements. It’s now even quicker and easier to match address data to BS7666 standards, fulfilling one of the primary aims of t-government initiatives.

iExchange v3.1.1 increases the Symphony Suite’s module’s capacity for sharing of gazetteer data with other systems as well as the transfer of Local Land and Property Gazetteer data to the national hub.


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